Airdate: 1971
Language: English
Color: Color
Genre: Adult
Directed by
Renee Bond
Rating: X
In this one, the good doctor takes his girlfriend to an antique shop.
She finds a book on nursery rymes while he finds Dr. Jekyll's hand written journal. I
don't know why he just doesn't buy it. Somehow he thinks it's a better idea to go back
when the store is closed and murder the shop owner and take the book. And this is before
he drinks the potion!
When the good doctor is not having sex with his secretary,
he reads about Dr. Jekyll's misadventures, and we are treated to vingettes of a fiend who
has sex with women then does horrible things to them. When our doctor finally tries the
potion on himself
( another display of his poor judgement)
he is not turned into a fiend, rather he transforms into a beautiful buxom blonde.
Apparently, he reads, the potion brings out your "true self." Somehow our
womanizing cheat is a female deep down? He decides it is the perfect disguise to use to
hide from the police.
While in disguise he continues to have sex with his poor secretary.
Eventually the police see through the false front.
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Thanks to Raven for
the pics! |