Welcome To Paradox

pardxhst.jpg (6987 bytes) When Cleo Slasson finds out her husband is cheating on her, she gets the urge to try something completely different. Not to start seeing someone new, but to become someone new. Bio-technology has advanced to the point where a woman can become a man practically overnight and a man can become a woman, but what happens to the war of the sexes when each side can become the other? Technology may give us more choices, but do more choices necessarily give us more answers?.........
John Greyson
R. W. Vincent



Nacy Sorel
Jill Teed
Robert Molony
Justin Lazard
Cyndi Mason
Allesandro Juliani
D. Harlan Cutshall
Edward Diaz

Written by:   Scott Frost
Rating: Not rated
  Television episode

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Cleo Slasson believed that by experiencing life as a man she could balance the scales, even the score, but once she saw things with a man's eyes, she grew closer to Jules than she ever had before. She discovered that in the end, love is not about how many options you have, but how well you share them.  Welcome to Paradox......  pardxhst.jpg (6987 bytes)

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Last Updated 02/26/06